Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chapter Eight: Journey To The River

Wolfrock ran out into the field alone. Even though she was very worried that something could attack her, she remained calm.
Wolfrock sniffed the air for the sweet mice scent GreatShot had taught her. She could smell a mouse under a rock. She got into the attacking position and jumped onto the mouse, pushing it down. She threw the mouse into the air, and then pounced on it again, clawing it and taking it's life.
Dawn, Wolfrock thought, I know we need to stop the pack from stopping the river monster, but I can't think of how.
Suddenly, a voice came into her head. "Wolfrock, I will always be with you in hard times like these. Don't think I am going to let you do this on your own." Wolfrock recognized the voice as Dawn's.
"Wolfrock, I will help you too. No pup of mine will struggle." This voice was Wolfrock's mother's.
"But you guys are dead, how can you help?" Wolfrock asked aloud. "I certainly need help from the other wolves to get there! Smoke, Darkstreak, Blackear and Flame are probably already there!"
"No, Wolfrock, they are not yet. They are facing many obstacles. Get back to GreatShot and Fire. Tell them you must cancel training. Tell them about your dream, and run out there before those four are already out there," Wolfrock's mother told her.
Picking up the mouse, Wolfrock ran to GreatShot and Fire.
"One mouse? That's all? You're not a good hunter after all!" Fire smirked.
Wolfrock ignored her and could tell she was still angry that Dawn was gone. "We need to stop the others from attacking the river monster. Dawn told me in the dream I had that it was impossible!"
"She told YOU? Why would she? I'm her pup, not you! I don't see why she couldn't have came to me." Fire complained.
"You should be lucky Dawn told anyone at all!" GreatShot snarled, then turned to Wolfrock. "Surely the others are at the river already?"
"I was told they had to face many obstacles and aren't there yet," Wolfrock explained. "We need to stop them now!"
"You can leave me out," Fire growled, "I am not going with this sorry excuse of a pup! It's her fault mother is dead. And I say they should let the river monster die. I want revenge!"
"You are going, Fire," GreatShot growled. "And make yourself useful. Don't be so grouchy!"
Wolfrock felt relief that her tormentor wouldn't be insulting her for a while now, since GreatShot told her off. "Follow me!"
Wolfrock went out, followed by GreatShot and lastly, Fire. Wolfrock kept looking over her shoulder, and saw Fire constantly giving cold stares.
When they were half-way there, Wolfrock saw a lot of fallen trees and gasped.
"We tried stopping them," Came Dawn's voice into Wolfrock's head, "But they just kept going!"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chapter 7: The Dream

Wolfrock drifted into sleep quickly. Her paws ached from hunting mice. Suddenly, she was in a small ravine, and there was a small stream. Her throat felt dry, so she went for a drink. She saw bubbles emerging, but she merely ignored it. Then she saw two eyes, looking at her. Wolfrock tried to run away, but the river monster struck. Its sharp teeth pushed into her and she felt her blood gushing out. She was wildly trying to push away, but it only tore her flesh. She felt as though she was burning to death in a fire.
The river monster faded away. Her wounds disappeared, and she was now walking on a cloud. She looked up, and there was Dawn. The wolf looked much younger and happier, but yet her eyes were filled with distress. "You cannot stop the river monster. Driving it away is nearly impossible." Dawn said.
"What do you mean? Surely we can stop it?" Wolfrock said, questioning herself.
"You must stop your pack. Do not let them attack." Dawn instructed. A strong gust blew in her face.
"What do you mean? How? It killed you!" Wolfrock screamed, but Dawn seemed to go away with the wind, and was no longer there.
Wolfrock woke up as someone poked her. "Are you getting up or not?" Fire growled.
"Sorry." Wolfrock said. "I had a dream. Dawn was in it."
Fire turned around. "If anyone, I should be dreaming of Dawn! She was my mother! It's your fault she's dead!"
"She's braver. And much smarter than you." Wolfrock growled, walking away from Fire. She went up to GreatShot. "Are we hunting today?"
"Yes, pup. But not until the sun goes over the trees." GreatShot said, chuckling. "Why don't you go hunt some mice?"
Wolfrock nodded, but she couldn't think of anything but her dream.

Author's Note:
Sorry for not posting a chapter for so long! The current author's have been doing a great job! I'm going to need to change the banner! I know Fire's usually nice, but she's a bit fired up that her mother's dead. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chapter Six: Lesson Offer

"What happened to Canyonwolfy?" Flame asked as Wolfrock and GreatShot came in.
"Canyonwolfy is battling a coyote! He needs help." Wolfrock explained.
"Canyonwolfy can handle a coyote, I'm sure," Flame nodded.
"But this coyote was bigger than average. It's almost Canyonwolfy's size!" GreatShot panted.
Fire padded over. "Where's mother?"
Wolfrock looked at GreatShot, who looked nervously at Wolfrock. "Umm," Wolfrock stammered, "Dawn was eaten by a river monster..."
Flame yowled, upset. "My mate dead? What can we do?"
"But Dawn saved my life," Wolfrock said, "I might have been eaten by that river monster if she did not warn me. She sacrificed her life for me!"
"Dawn was always a friendly wolf," GreatShot nodded. "She will be dearly missed."
Wolfrock nodded in agreement. "But what do we do now?"
Flame thought for a moment, then finally spoke. "We should hunt the river monster. But we also need to get to Canyonwolfy!"
As soon as Flame finished speaking, Canyonwolfy entered with many injuries on his body. "I fought off the coyote," he announced, "but more could still be around. I imagine they want to take all of our kill."
Other wolves murmured agreement.
"We must keep the coyotes away!" Howled Night.
"And kill the river monster!" Fire growled to her dad. "That monster will pay!"
Wolfrock looked around at all the shouting wolves. She saw GreatShot joined in, but Wolfrock did not make a sound. But what will we do? She thought.
"Silence, silence!" Flame shouted, and everyone stopped talking. "Now. I will plan this. GreatShot, Wolfrock and Fire, stay here. GreatShot will keep everything under control. Smoke, Darkstreak and Blackear, go off to hunt down the river monster. I will come with you. Smoke, Canyonwolfy and Night, go to fight the coyotes. I wish luck to all of you. May you have a safe return."
All the wolves ran out, ready. Wolfrock enviously watched them leave. I hope I'll get to go off on a mission like that someday, she thought.
"We should stay in here," GreatShot advised, "It won't be smart to go out with all the dangers. Like I was saying before that coyote came along...Wolfrock, would you like me to teach you how to hunt?"
Before Wolfrock could reply, Fire interrupted. "I haven't been taught to hunt yet!" She complained.
"Fire, you'll be taught soon. You know how to catch mice, Wolfrock doesn't." GreatShot gave Fire a cold stare, then turned to Wolfrock. "Agree?"
"Agreed," Wolfrock nodded right away.
"Then I will teach you now."

Author's note:
I know I made a new chapter quickly, but no one else has seemed to be posting much.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chapter Five: A Coyote

"What did you say, Wolfrock?" Asked Canyonwolfy when Wolfrock returned to the other wolves. Wolfrock had told the news to the first wolf in sight.
"Dawn was eaten by a river-monster!" Wolfrock repeated, almost crying. And what would we tell Fire and Flame? She added silently to herself.
"What's going on?" GreatShot walked over.
"Dawn was eaten!" Canyonwolfy told GreatShot.
"She was?" GreatShot gasped in disbelief. "What should we do?"
"I believe this river-monster should leave our reserve!" Canyonwolfy stood taller. "We can go fine without any monster trying to eat our own kind!"
"What could we possibly do about it?" Wolfrock said.
"I'll think of something," Canyonwolfy promised, and walked to some other wolves.
"He'll think of something," GreatShot assured Wolfrock.
Wolfrock was bored once again and went out into the reserve. A rabbit was out and about. She did not know how to hunt well, but was determined to catch something.
The rabbit was not aware of Wolfrock's presence, and carried on eating grass.
Wolfrock jumped to the rabbit, but it scurried away. She tried chasing it, but the rabbit got away.
"Wolfrock! What were you doing?" Came a voice.
Wolfrock turned around to see GreatShot coming. "I was catching a rabbit."
"You do not catch rabbits like that," GreatShot told Wolfrock, sitting down. "You may be a pup, but if you'd like, I can show you how to catch a rabbit yourself."
When Wolfrock was about to reply, she heard something growling. GreatShot had got to her feet. Wolfrock turned to see what it was, and saw a wolf-like creature standing there.
"A coyote!" GreatShot growled just about when Wolfrock was going to ask what it was.
To Wolfrock, it looked as if GreatShot was going to jump on the coyote. But then, Canyonwolfy came and jumped in front of it.
"This is our area!" Canyonwolfy snarled at the coyote, and they started to fight.
"Come on, Wolfrock! We need to get back!" GreatShot shouted over the racket, and WolfRock followed GreatShot to where the other wolves were.
A river monster, then a coyote? What are we going to do? Wolfrock thought to herself. When they were nearing, Wolfrock shouted, "Canyonwolfy needs help!"

An Author's Note:
 I am sorry I did not carry on with the river-monster story, but I thought it would be a good idea if the wolves were having trouble with many problems all at once.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

chapter 4: the river-monster

wolfrock looked into the river, preparing herself for the jump. "it'll be fine," she said to herself. "it'll come naturally."
she jumped. everything seemed to happen in slow motion. sailing through the air, glancing at the black, swirling water below her, suddenly realizing how stupid this was. "oh, why did'nt i just hunt with the other wolves?" she wailed, twisting in a futile attempt to land herself on a rock. with a splash, she crashed into the icy waters. she struck out with front paws, uselessly thrashing in the water, feeling her body go numb. this was the end, she knew it. suddenly she heard a voice, her mother's voice. "you'll be all right, dear, you'll be okay."
"mom?" whispered wolfrock. "help me, mother! please!"
she felt a warm bubble of air, surrounding and supporting her. somehow, it was just the right temperature.
"now wolfrock, dear, try swimming. it's like running, but underwater. you will not drown, i promise."
wolfrock tried it. it was just like her mother said! it was actually really easy! she felt that warm bubble of water slowly dissipate. contrary to her expectations, though, she didn't sink! and with the exercise, she warmed up. the water didn't feel so cold now. she was actually enjoying it.
suddenly she heard a shout.
"wolfrock! no! geet out of the river!"
it was dawn. why was she here? did she like swimming too?
"no!" she replied hotly. "i like swimming too. you can't just kick me out!"
dawn arrived breathlessly at the edge of the river as wolfrock was clambering out.
"it's not that. no one swims here! are you crazy? you could have been attacked by the-"
a huge, scaly ...thing erupted from the river and grabbed dawn. wolfrock caught a glimpse of a red mouth, rows of long teeth bigger than knitting needles, and wide black eyes.
she screamed and started to run. "help me! dawn's been eaten! HELP!"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Writing Tips: Plot

I'm going to be giving out writing tips, because it isn't always as easy as it sounds! I'll be doing these once a week, if you want to:)
An amazing story starts with plot. If the plot is boring, not many people will enjoy it. However, if the plot is exciting, most people will enjoy it completely. Take Harry Potter as an example. If Harry Potter was just a boy, doing his chores, doing homework, and talking, it wouldn't be as popular, would it? But since he's a wizard, and goes up against Voldemort, the book series is very popular. Mainly, the plot doesn't have to be nearly as exciting as going up against evil. Sometimes, it can be very simple. Compare these two passages. Which is more entertaining?
I walked up the street to see my friend Robert. He was doing homework and couldn't talk, but he did it politely. I walked to my house.

I walked up the street to see my friend Robert. My backpack was wide open. My mistake. I had a toy mouse for my cat. I guess a hawk must've mistaken it for a real mouse, because he swooped down and grabbed it, taking my homework with it. I tried chasing it, but it was too fast. I was in trouble.

Also, in your plot, if you have two ideas in your mind, but only one works, go with the one you think reader's will like best. If you think they are equally good, choose the one you think may make more sense or will take the story in a better direction.

Sorry if this sounds as if I'm criticizing you! I'm not trying to, just trying to give you some tips.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter 3: Where am I?

Wolfrock woke in a field, but it seemed almost unreal. There were plenty of deer and rabbits to hunt. She didn't understand. This wasn't the meadows she had been shot in. "Hi, pup!" a black-and-white wolf said.
"Who are you? What is this place?" Wolfrock said grouchily.
"I'm GreatShot! This is a reserve, so the humans can't kill us, as long as we stay on this side of the river. I'm not surprised they dumped you here. They always put pups who don't have a mother here. Do you want to meet the other wolves?"
"S-Sure." Wolfrock said.
They walked on the field. GreatShot pounced on a rabbit on the way. "It's best to bring something to them." She said around it. Wolfrock looked at its limp body, and reminded her of the phantoms. She shuddered.
"Are you okay?" GreatShot.
"Yeah, fine."
GreatShot stopped. "This is the small river. We can cross here and still be on the reserve. I'll show you how to get across. You probably don't know how to swim." GreatShot jumped on some stepping stones, being careful for each step. Her long body looked small when she was on the rocks. It was as if she was an inchworm. "Your turn!"
Wolfrock stepped on one of the stones, trying desperately to copy GreatShot. "Good job, pup!" Almost as soon as GreatShot said that, Wolfrock fell in. GreatShot jumped in and dragged Wolfrock onto shore. "You should be more careful. Follow me, now." In almost no time, Wolfrock followed GreatShot into a bramble bush and was surrounded by a myriad of wolves. "Greetings, GreatShot. And who is this?"
"I'm Wolfrock."
"Of course. I'm Darkstreak."
"Over there is Blackear, and there's Flame." GreatShot said, pointing to a large black dog and another large, but orange colored, dog. "Flame is our alpha. Blackear is an omega. I'm the beta around here, even though I'm a she-wolf. Here, we only have one of each."
"Don't they have mates?" Wolfrock asked.
"Some do. Flame does. That's Dawn, his mate, and their daughter Fire. She's about your age." GreatShot said. "Over there is Duchess. Her rank is just after mine."
"Hi, GreatShot!" a small pup came over. "Who's she?"
"This is Wolfrock. Wolfrock, this is Fire. How old are you?"
"Twelve moons." Wolfrock stated formally.
"Fire is just a moon under you. Both of you are nearly full size, but you're still pups. Would you like to join on a hunt?"
"Yes!" Wolfrock said excitedly.
GreatShot nodded acknowledging her choice. A light brown wolf came over. "How are you, Canyonwolfy?"
"Good. You?"
"Fine, thank you."
Wolfrock didn't feel like listening to their conversation. It would probably about hunting, and she didn't want to hear about that right now. She wanted to do something fun, like her little brothers and sisters would do. Silently, she stalked out into the brambles and went over to the stream. Here, she'd learn how to swim.
Author's Note:
Sorry about how it's mostly conversation. I was trying to fit all the characters in. Also, just to clear things up, the name for a male wolf is "dog", just like for, well, a dog:D Also, two more stories are going to be on the pages, along with Waterway, one of which is about wolves, and the other fanfic: Darkness Buries Us(Original story)and Snowfall's Mistake (Warriors Fanfic). 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter 2: The Shot

Wolfrock sighed quietly to herself. She had lived in this part of the world, but it seemed unfamiliar. A valley stretched far across the way she could see. "Hello!" Wolfrock looked behind her. It was a rabbit. Wolfrock just ignored her. She wanted to roll in the green meadow, so she could feel relieved once again. But she knew she had to continue. Suddenly a white shape and brown one shot out of nowhere. The brown shape was a wolf, the white one a rabbit.  The wolf caught up with the rabbit, and delivered a killing bite. The wolf proudly held it up. A human came and took it from her mouth. This wasn't a wolf. This was a dog. Dogs lived with humans. Humans killed wolves.
Wolfrock had the sense to hide, but she didn't know where. Only a tree with fresh, beautiful leaves was there. Even so, the dog would sniff her out. Her only instinct was to run. The human already had its strange rock shooter pointed at her. She ran. The human shot. All she could feel were her feet get heavy. Heavier and heavier...and she got slower and slower. She slipped and went crashing into the ground. "Oh, rotting meat!" She insulted herself. She was dead. For sure.She could smell the dogs scent. This dog was the long-legged type. They were fast.
Suddenly she felt a sudden pain. She knew this wasn't the strange, smooth rocks the humans shot. It was like a thorn. She felt her eyes get heavy, and she drifted off.
Author's Note:
I am sorry this is so short. I thought it might help a little bit. The next chapter will be bigger! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The "Other Fanfics"

Hi guys! I'm going to write a bunch of fanfics or original stories, all available on the pages!
I hope you like them!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 1: The Breeze in Her Fur

Wolfrock stood close to the cliff. "Hello." Lily said.
"Mother! What brings you here today?"
"Well, you are my eldest pup. I just wanted to say, take care of your brothers and sisters."
"What do you mean?"
But Lily was already far ahead. She seemed to walk into the clouds, abandoning Wolfrock...
Wolfrock called. There was nothing. Was it over? Her puphood? Her lessons? Her mother?
"She's gone!" Wolfrock heard a voice boom from a cave. Her cave. It was her father, probably sobbing over Lily. "Oh, Mother, Mother. Why even bother, to try to be true, when all I ever said was 'I love you?'"
Wolfrock recited her father's, Boulder, poem. He had written it for her. "I love you, Mother." Why had she even died?
Wolfrock slowly and glumly walked back a cave. But before she could get close, a lightning bolt struck. How could that happen? The sky was clear? Unless...
"Phantoms!" She screamed, alerting everyone.
She watched as everything caught on fire. Her mother's body was nothing but ashes. Her father's face was covered in blood. One of her little brothers was even dead. Wolfrock felt something stab her heart. Like a knife. Boulder fell down with a thud. Wolfrock knew she had to get out. That wouldn't be easy with a twisted paw. She ran as fast she could, with only a diary and a few wolf plushies. "Oh, Mira, help us!"
A gray wolf stood in her path. "You will be forgiven!" he said. Then he disappeared. What did he mean? She hadn't done anything wrong!

Starting over

Sorry, I think A Full Eclipse is getting kind of stupid, so I think I'm going to store the chapters on another blog and start the story over (except for the Prologue). Then it will be more of my style and more interesting to finish. plus I'll let you submit chapters:)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Time Line of Wolfrock's Life

I've decided that the story will go back in time to the time Wolfrock was "adopted" and went to school.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Authors Now Available!

If you want to become an author, you can! You'll need an email though, but if you're a author, there are rules! Just like on the comments!
  1. No swear words.
  2. No advertising/spam.
  3. Be nice!
  4. No personal info. 
If you break one of these rules, I may delete you. I can delete ANY posts. Do not advertise or there will be GREAT consequences. Sorry, I've already told you not to, so don't! And advertising includes:
  • Posting a chapter from another story (without my permission)
  • Giving out a link (without my permission, only exceptions are Crane Feathers and The Gold Wolf)
  • Saying (for example): Oh, my blog is so great! Check it out! It's called Example Blog!
Swearing includes ANY inappropriate words, not only swears.

Be aware its very unlikely I'll delete you.


On a winter night, one wolf was destined for greatness...and she knew it. Now was her chance. But what must she do?
"Hello." the heard a sweet voice call.
The wolf turned around. "Mira!"
"Yes, my dear. But I have awful news, Lily."
"What? Is it about my pups?" the wolf asked.
"No...although it may horribly scar them forever."
"W-What do you mean?" the wolf stammered.
"In three days and three nights, you will die."
"But Wolfrock couldn't possibly finish her lessons in time! And I couldn't save Jamaa..."
"Yes, but Wolfrock doesn't need lessons. She is smart and gifted. And for saving Jamaa...Wolfrock will fill in for you."
"She couldn't possibly do it when she's so young!" The wolf was scared, for Jamaa may be ruined.
"Jamaa will last many you have nothing to worry." The crane disappeared.
The wolf sighed. She saw the fire in Jamaa, and the limp body of a she-wolf. In three days, that would be her.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, it's a simple sign-up. It's like "The Gold Wolf", but with Wolfrock, who is in Crane Feathers. This would be copying The Gold Wolf if I hadn't mentioned her, so here's the link:'
For Crane Feathers:
So read it! If you want to sign up, fill out this form:
Age (optional):
Be aware I may just pop in your character every so often, and there will be trivia and contests for "A Full Eclipse". Be aware I may also make your character be:
  • Wolfrock's best friend
  • Wolfrock's enemy
  •  Wolfrock's siblings
So sign up and have fun. I may even let you create chapters every here and there!