Darkness Buries Us

Summary: One wolf is born. Her eyes changes according to the sky's color. She is destined to save the packs. Her father takes her away from her mother and siblings. He wants to use her. Her mother is heart-broken after the young pup is given to another wolf and is told a lie. But, will the pup save the Clans? Or will her father succeed in using her for power?
The gray she-wolf gathered her pup closer to her chest. Her small, shivering body needed warmth. “You’re all I have, and all I want.” she whispered to him softly. She knew soon she would no longer have him. The prophecy that had been announced for the whole pack to here, by her own mate rang in her ears: “The wolf with eyes of sky will save the wolves, after her mother, the gray one, teaches her how.”
“I am the gray one.” She said to herself. She remembered her mate, Blood. Former mate, she reminded herself. Blood had used her. With his charm, he had used her so that he would be father of the Sky Eyed Wolf. It would give him power. It had given him power already. Now that the news of the Sky Eyed Wolf had been born, every wolf wanted to know where she was, and the only wolf willing to search for his daughter, mate, and power was Blood.
            Shaking the thought from her head, she picked up her pup and ran. She didn’t want to be found. She couldn’t. Maybe if she kept running, she would escape. Escape with her pup. “Halt!”
            The she-wolf froze. I’m trapped. Out of the shadows, came Blood. “Stay away from my pup!” she growled.
“Our pup.” Blood corrected.
The she-wolf flattened her ears and bared her teeth. “If you’re using her for power, she’s not your pup, whether you’re her real father or not.”
Blood just snickered. “Hand her over.”
“And why should I give up so easily?” The she-wolf snarled.
“Because I found our other pups. If you don’t give her to me now, you’ll never see them again.”
“Y-You’d kill your own pups.”
“I would never do that. But, let’s say that you won’t be their mother anymore.”
“You’re going to kill me! Even if I give this pup up! Don’t lie! Take her then! I know what you’re going to do!” The she-wolf yelled angrily, running over to her other pups and carrying them away. “But call her Sky, and never tell her about me. Tell her that her mother is another gray she-wolf. They’re plenty of them! But I’ll always be the real gray one.”
“Clever she-wolf.” Blood whispered under his breath. He dragged his daughter up to him. He watched as the she-wolf pushing the two of her owned pups up a large rock, following behind them. After she got up, she glared at him angrily with her brilliant blue eyes. Her other pups, both brown like him, looked frightened out of their own fur, but Blood didn’t care. All he wanted was this one she-wolf. She was the Sky Eyed Wolf. He could tell because when looked up to him, her eyes were navy blue, like night. This was strange, but maybe something else would be in those eyes soon…And they’d give him power. 


  1. Why are you such an amazing writer like me!!!! FAN-TAST-IC!!!!

  2. good, but in the beginning the sky eyed wolf is a girl, then a boy, then a girl again


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