Friday, June 17, 2011


On a winter night, one wolf was destined for greatness...and she knew it. Now was her chance. But what must she do?
"Hello." the heard a sweet voice call.
The wolf turned around. "Mira!"
"Yes, my dear. But I have awful news, Lily."
"What? Is it about my pups?" the wolf asked.
"No...although it may horribly scar them forever."
"W-What do you mean?" the wolf stammered.
"In three days and three nights, you will die."
"But Wolfrock couldn't possibly finish her lessons in time! And I couldn't save Jamaa..."
"Yes, but Wolfrock doesn't need lessons. She is smart and gifted. And for saving Jamaa...Wolfrock will fill in for you."
"She couldn't possibly do it when she's so young!" The wolf was scared, for Jamaa may be ruined.
"Jamaa will last many you have nothing to worry." The crane disappeared.
The wolf sighed. She saw the fire in Jamaa, and the limp body of a she-wolf. In three days, that would be her.

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