Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chapter Ten: Behind The Bushes

"Hide in the bushes!" GreatShot whispered from behind the two pups.
Wolfrock feared she wouldn't come with them and fight, but she followed Fire into hiding. GreatShot quickly dragged both of the wolves by the scruffs and just made it into the bushes as the big wolf came close, and obviously couldn't see them well.
Wolfrock tried to see the big wolf, but GreatShot insisted she should watch. Wolfrock tried to see it, but saw very few things.
But Wolfrock did see the big wolf looking at the blood and heard it growl satisfaction.
Dawn, what do I do now? Wolfrock pleaded in her head, waiting for an answer. What happened to Smoke? You said you tried to stop them; what happened to these trees with you trying to make them turn tail?
But Dawn said nothing; nor did her mother.
Wolfrock kept peeking through the bush, trying to get a good view. She could see the big wolf sniffing the air and growling, probably smelling the three wolves.
"Stay downwind," GreatShot whispered like a mouse was just one fox-length away from them during hunting.
Wolfrock was confused. She looked to see what Fire did; Fire crouched down, so low she actually lay down. Wolfrock did the same. GreatShot did, too, keeping watch.
"Can I see?" Fire asked.
"No, I'm afraid it'd see you and try to harm you," GreatShot ordered.
"You're so over-protective," Fire growled.
"I wouldn't like it if I had to say to Flame, 'We're so sorry, but your daughter was killed by a mysterious wolf.' Imagine how your father would react!" GreatShot snapped.
Wolfrock narrowed her eyes to try and see the big wolf better. It trotted to the bushes where they were hiding. Don't let it find us! Wolfrock thought in her head, saying it to Dawn or her mother.
GreatShot looked like she wanted to pounce on the big wolf. Wolfrock was about to tell her not to, but Fire did it for her. "GreatShot, don't put yourself in trouble. That wolf is twice as big as you, and you're always fighting. I wouldn't want to tell father you're dead, either," Fire protested, stealing what GreatShot had told her earlier.
"I don't know if I will try to drive that wolf away or not," GreatShot gave Fire a cold stare, "It might be risky, but I don't want this wolf here."
"We could be at the river now, stopping the others," Wolfrock whispered.
"Duh. And these two are probably one of the, 'others'", Fire looked at the two victims.
"Did that wolf kill these guys?" Wolfrock asked GreatShot.
"We have no proof," GreatShot admitted, "so I don't know."
"What will we do?" Fire whispered, worried.
"I am gonna distract that wolf. You guys run for help. These wolves, though, we'll have to put here," GreatShot sighed, "I will try to beat that wolf if I can. I am gonna need help from everyone."
"We can't let you fight alone!" Fire wailed.
"Better me than you two," GreatShot looked down at her paws.
Wolfrock hesitated for a moment, then spoke, "I will fight with you."

An Author's Note:
Sorry if it seems something violent will happen; I don't know if I can put fighting in this story or not.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

chapter 9: What happened to Smoke?

Wolfrock gasped.
"What- how did they do this?" she whispered. "Those trees are nearly a foxlength wide!"
"I don't know," said GreatShot grimly. "It would take a normal wolf a moon to knock down even one tree, but it looks like they plowed through them like grass!"
And it did. Tangled branches and twigs, leaves scattered everywhere, and tree trunks snapped in half, still oozing syrupy sap.
"Oh, no. Oh, this is bad. GreatShot! Come over here!" called Wolfrock, who had wandered away a bit. "There's something I think you'd want to see!"
"What? What is it?" said GreatShot as he ran over. "Did you hurt yourself? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, GreatShot. Seriously," answered Wolfrock. "But look at that!"
There, on the ground beneath their feet. A depression. At first no one said anything, but then Fire retorted, "What are we supposed to be looking at? Another sign from Dawn? A bunch of dirt?"
"No, it's a-" Wolfrock tried to explain.
"I'm here too! My mother died because of you, and you're the one who got a message from her! Now, on the basis that that message was true and not just a silly old dream, we're here, looking at dirt! And now-"
"ENOUGH!!!" bellowed GreatShot. "Wolfrock, what is this?"
"Stand back. We're in the middle of it." mumbled Wolfrock. "Then you'll see."
All three wolves took a step back.
A paw print.
Longer than a full-grown coyote, and just as wide, it was now obvious what destroyed the trees. It looked like a wolf's, although it was missing a toe.
"Smoke!" yelped GreatShot suddenly. "He lost a toe in a fight with a fox, many moons ago. I'd know that paw print anywhere."
"Let's see what else we can find," suggested Fire, who seemed to have calmed down.
"Good idea! Let's go!" said Wolfrock, and they started to run.
"Hey- what's that, in the distance?" said GreatShot.
Wolfrock noticed two dots of- was it red? Trees weren't red. The thought spurred her on, until it felt like her feet were barely touching the ground. As the dots became smudges, then distinct shapes, she felt her stomach churn. Two wolves' bodies, drenched in blood. She saw one try to heave itself to their feet, and flop back to the ground. The other had many, shallow wounds on its body. It was passed out from lack of blood.
"GreatShot! Wolves! They're wolves!"
Silence. Then, "Wolfrock. Hide. Now." whispered Fire. "GreatShot's a bit behind us. But look."
In the distance, a huge wolf loped easily towards them, covering ground fast.